Saturday 3 May 2014

My Personality Type: The Reliable Realist

I just undertook this personality test. I thought it might be well kept on my blog. One thing is absolutely wrong though; it says I would not like to delegate. But fact is, I am doing nothing else but delegate. This has to do with my job as coach. Coaching means delegating and (most importantly) following-up and giving feedback. Apart from that, I see myself more or less represented as Reliable Realist.

My Personality Type: The Reliable Realist

PS: I just looked at the personality type "Dynamic Thinker" and am convinced that's also me. And then, there are 14 other types. In the end, this is a little bit like astrology - all star signs fit somehow to one's personality. Anyway, I will still keep the test result up online for future references and so that I can retake it at some stage. But it's just a test based on 4 questions.