Wednesday 4 February 2009

Florida Boy

The best training I have ever received and also the toughest was the one in the company headquarters in Florida. It was really tough. And in those days my English was not as good as it is today.

We learned how to determine training needs, several management simulations, how to organise and roll out training sessions, how to coach people, how to deal with tough clients during coaching and workshops, etc. It was a 3 weeks course and every day we got homework to do.

Week 3 was role-play week. Now, those were tricky. They had a special roleplay room which was fitted with hidden cameras and microphones. TV sets were placed throughout the company, and also in the CEO's office. Whenever there were any role-plays done one could tune in.

Role players were often board directors of the company. So, as a young junior consultant you suddenly had to role-play with one of the big boys. In case they did not like someone they simply fired that person. Also, in case the CEO tuned in in his office and he found the role-play horrible he ran down and fired the role players.

In the training course before ours apparently 50% of trainees were fired.

Well, I was not, nor was any other person in our course. But I have never been that nervous.

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