Saturday 28 February 2009

Business Reviews (1)

Time for some theory again. Before I can write about those business reviews I was assigned on I have to explain what they are.

So far I was very lucky within my old company. I was never assigned to one of those reviews but only to projects. Let me tell you so far, they are stressful and can be hell on earth.

Client engagement (for consultants) falls into 3 phases:

Phase 1: Sales (Business Review, also called Analysis), it lasts for about 2 to 3 weeks.
Phase 2: The actual project, which averages around 6 months but can be from 3 to 12 months really, maybe longer.
Phase 3: Follow-up, a phase in which a consultant regularly visits and audits the project outcome.

If it is a new client, an account executive would "sell" a business review. This means, one analyst and a bunch of consultants, ideally including the assigned project manager and director, would analyse the business and detect any area of improvement. Every improvement would be translated into cost savings opportunities, revenue enhancement, etc.

Quite often these business reviews are free of cost for the client. One wants to get easier access to them in the selling phase. But I think this is not a good idea. Clients should pay for any service. By doing so they value it much more. And if someone can sell an analysis, this person can also sell that the client has to pay for it.

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